Common Core articles | Common Core news
Cheers and Kudos to Bill and Melinda Gates on their huge support of raising the bar with public education nationally.
Here’s an ironic piece on parents stating they’ll “opt out” but letting their children take the state test.
Parents Opt Out in Principle but not in Practice NY Times April 13, 2015
Here’s a nice piece by a teacher learning to grow from the initial shock of Common Core in 2010 to now enjoying having Common Core as a framework for third grade children
A struggle worth having for students Washington Post March 25 2015
Nice defense of raising the bar for all students: “Low K- 12 Standards Do a Disservice to All,” Education Week February 3, 2015, by Wade Henderson Ed Week on Why Raise the Bar
“Common Core Standards aren’t easy to replace,” Washington Post, December 24, 2014
Good luck to states that are saying they’ll create “better” tests than those developed by the national content experts, and getting agreement on tested areas using “local control,” resulting in curriculum anarchy, with advantaged students continuing to win and struggling students left falling further and further behind.
“In Defense of Annual School Testing, NY Times February 7, 2015”
Finally, a clear-eyed, informed view on the “too much testing” issue:…/in-defense-of-annual-school-testin…