Kay Scheidler
  • Kay Scheidler
  • Connecting Common Core State Standards with Practice
  • Standards Matter: The Why and What of Common Core Standards in Reading and Writing
  • Finding your own Pathway toward student learning

Professional Learning Communities, Curriculum Development, Student Writing

Standards Matter: The Why and What of Common Core Standards in Reading and Writing

In the book "Standards Matter," Kay Scheidler lifts the veil of mystery surrounding Common Core Standards to spell out each Reading and Writing Standard, and also discusses the why and how of Standards learning. Standards are simply the high level literacy skills and understandings that top level courses have traditionally taught, but in the past only for some students. Standards focus on such areas as close reading and analysis, help students develop ideas well in writing, research skills, valid argument, and creative writing, to help bring a brighter future to all students. Order Standards Matter


Contact Kay for a school workshop, course, or consulting work. Kay’s sessions are on curriculum development, creating a Professional Learning Community, developing student writing, Standards learning, the current MCAS. Kayscheidler@Hotmail.com