Resources | July, 2015
Peer editing ideas to guide peers in viewing one another’s writing, saving teacher time, and the peer editor learns, the writer benefits!
Teacher ideas suggestions to support struggling students and active student learning: List of Scaffolding Activities
Excellent web sites for peer editing guides, graphic organizers, and good rubrics to guide student writing:
Tech to Ignite Learning Commn Core Writing class Summer 2015 Fr River
Standards build from year to year:
Argument Writing gr 4,5,6 Grade LevelStandards
Research Build from year to year
Writing Revison Powerpoint star-method-of-revision
Writing Revison Powerpoint STAR
STAR Re-done Writing Revison Powerpoint star-method-of-revision
OREO and HAMBURGER (poor for writing idea development; use as needed)
Seventh grade writing exemplar High quality writing example
Argument Rubric Tom Brady issue (Writing piece on “Deflategate”)
The Writing Process Twelve Steps
Writing to Text, Evidence-based argument
Rubrics to Guide and Assess Writing, for teacher conferencing
One file of writing rubrics: Writing Rubrics 1
Old Open Response MCAS form format, not ideas
Gr2_Argument Rubric Delaware Dept of Education
Opinion Writing Rubric First Grade
Kid-friendly Personal Narrative Rubric GR 4
Peer Edit Guides:
Self-or-Peer-Feedback-Checklist Keys to Literacy
Comprehensive Argument Checklist Keys to Literacy
Supporting Struggling Writers: Florida Center for Reading Research
Common Core Writing learning plans, sample plans:
Grade 2 Realistic Fiction Realistic Fiction writing grade 2
Grade 4 Historical Fiction Grade 4
Grade 4 Gr 4 Opinion Writing
Grade 5 Opinion Writing grade 5
Revising and Editing Narrative Writing Grade 5
High school High School English Argument Writing