Resources | NELMS
Here are materials presented at the April, 2014 New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS) conference.
Below is the powerpoint on developing a web site to post research findings CCSS Writing Standards, with the powerpoint also demonstrating comparison of image and words (Pecha Kucha)
Also attached here is “Next Practice” Standards Learning Ideas, Six Standards Strategies further idea development, and an example of graphic organizer for informational text study and writing, and “flipped classroom” differentiation and technology suggestions.
Please see below the MS Common Core Reading and Writing Standards and recommended books.
Technology to Ignite Learning Powerpoint
Best Practice, Next Practice Improving practice for CCSS learnng Best Practice, Next practice
in Just-Spring when the world is mud-luscious
Reading gr 6 – 8 CCSI Standards
Grades 6 – 8 Writing Common Core Standards
Concise StandardsAnchor standards